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Adult Ministries

Let's grow & serve in faith together

Adult Faith Formation

Growing in your faith does not stop after confirmation. At Zion we provide multiple types of faith education for adults. From bible studies to workshops, we are sure to have something to help you grow in your faith.

Thursdays @ 6:30pm- Check calendar for dates

Small Groups

Many times you just need to gather with those who can relate to your situation. We have small groups that help connect those who may not have been able to find each other and connect on their own. We bring these members together and lasting, deep relationships are formed.

Soul Sisters

Mondays @ 7:00pm

Get together with other moms who work outside the home. Join us in book study, video series, or just great conversation. You will form many strong relationships and learn more about yourself as well as others! ChildCare is provided.

Food Faith Family (FFF) Serving Teams

wednesdays @ 5:00 pm (Sept - May)

Wednesdays are our busiest night for education here at Zion and all activities take place around a meal at 5:15 p.m. called Food, Faith, and Family (FFF). Meals are inexpensive ($3 per person or $12 maximum per family) and are prepared by serving groups consisting of 3-4 Zion families.

FFF is a great opportunity to join in fellowship and get to know fellow Zion members. Activities for youth on Wednesdays include games after supper, Church School, Confirmation, and LYO.

New families are always welcomed to join an existing FFF Serving Group or form a new one. Message us for more info.

Home Communion Ministry

approximately 1 hour/month (per person/couple)

Home Communion Ministry provides communion to the homebound members of Zion. This is a very important ministry and so easy to do.

  • Volunteers are paired up with a homebound individual or couple, usually by the pastors. If the volunteer has a connection with someone who is homebound, that assignment can be made or meet someone new.
  • Volunteers can choose to visit one household or more - whatever works best for you.
  • Pastors will go over the instructions with volunteer prior to their first homebound visit.
  • Home communion kits are prepared and available for pick-up when it works for the volunteer.
  • Scripts are available for both the volunteer & the homebound member.
  • Plan for about an hour visit with the assigned homebound member (they will love to visit with you).
  • When you have completed your visit, just let the office know and bring back the home communion kit when you come to church next.

Message us if you are interested in assisting with this ministry or just want more info.

If you are homebound and would like to receive communion, let us know and we will get you connected.

Church School & Confirmation Leaders & Helpers

Sunday mornings or wednesday evenings for 1 hour (Sept - May)

Help with Church School (grades preK-5th)

  • Church School Shepherds
  • Workshop Leaders and Helpers
  • Church School Music: help lead, inspire, and share God's amazing love with our kiddos through music
  • Children's Ministries Committee

Contact Education Director, Chris Torgeson (852-1872) to sign-up or learn more about any of the above.

Guide Zion's Youth in their faith journey (grades 6-12)

  • Confirmation Guides
  • Youth Ministries Committee

Contact Education Director, Kortni Plorin (852-1872) to sign-up or learn more about any of the above.

Music Ministry

Do you:

  • sing,
  • play piano,
  • play a brass or woodwind instrument,
  • play guitar or bass,
  • play percussion instruments,
  • have other musical talents,
  • or interested in acting (skits, puppet shows, etc.)?

Let us know! Share your talents with Zion.

Call the office (701-852-1872) or use the Message Us button below.

Prayer Shawl Ministry

2nd Tuesday of the month @ 5:30 pm (sept - May)

The Zion Prayer Shawl group provides a variety of shawls that can be given to anyone who is ill, homebound, grieving, or could just use a reminder that they are loved. There is no cost for a prayer shawl. If that time does not work for you but you would like to participate, yarn is available for you to use. For more information, contact Kristi Asendorf at 833-7931. 

Quilting/Sewing Ministry

3rd monday of the month from 9:00 am - noon (sept - May)

The quilters take a time of fellowship with a break for coffee and sometimes lunch. The quilts go to various group or fundraisers along with a large selection available to purchase ($40) across from the church office. Proceeds from the quilts are used to provide 1/2 of Zion children & youth members attend Camp Metigoshe Bible Camp each summer.

The quilters also lovingly sew a quilt for each of Zion's graduating seniors which are presented and blessed on Senior Sunday which is held in May.

All hands are welcome and no experience is necessary. For more information, contact Mary Ann Stoa 839-1285