Funeral Lunch Serving Team Member

A part of the grieving process is the opportunity to be together, support one another & share a meal

Can you help with our Funeral ministry?

When a loved one dies, we need the support of our community. An important part of the grieving process is the opportunity to be together, support one another and share a meal. 

We are a community that welcomes and cares for one another through hospitality. This is key to our mission. 

We are now ready to resume our funeral meal ministry. We are looking for individuals to help with the meal (set-up serving & cleanup - food is catered in). There are several spots open in our serving teams and for new team co-leaders also. Serving teams are on a rotating schedule. There are four teams at this time, each team serves every 4th funeral.

If you are willing to serve, complete the form below or you may call the church office (701-852-1872) if you prefer. You may join a team or be a substitute team member (snowbirds are welcome to join as well).