#1 Growing Spiritually
Faith is the foundation for a lifelong journey with Christ. As we pray and study God’s Word, gather with God’s people, and work on the things that matter most to God we are shaped and transformed by God to reflect the image of Christ who dwells within us.

#2 Actively Caring For One Another
Whether in developing meaningful relationships over time or in the giving of a hug or support in times of stress or grief, we are committed to showing God’s love and to serving as signs of grace to one another.

#3 Welcoming & Inviting
Zion’s people have a reputation for hospitality and we work to make people feel welcome and included in the life of the congregation from the first time we meet. Because Jesus welcomes us and invites us to follow him, we continue that work by inviting and welcoming all people to join with us as followers of Jesus. You are always welcome at Zion!

#4 Giving Generously
In the crucified and risen Christ we meet a God who is generous and sacrificial, offering the gift of abundant life. Responding to this gift, we offer our time, talents and treasures gladly and generously to further the work of Christ today.

#5 Joyfully Serving
Both the teaching and the life of Jesus point to service as central to the Christian life. We continue the work of Jesus by walking the walk of faith in service to others, both in our individual lives and also together as a congregation.

#6 Living Faithfully
All of life belongs to God and everything we do matters to God. Our Christian faith informs and shapes everything we do every day of our lives. In addition to living out our faith when we gather as the church, we equip one another to live out our faith in our homes, in our work, and in the community.