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Book Club

Join a book club here at Zion. To find out what the next book is call the front office 701-852-1872

Meets 2nd Tuesday of the Month at 6:30pm

Septembers book is “Leota’s Garden” by Francine Rivers

Leota’s garden was once a place of beauty, where flowers bloomed and hope thrived. It was her refuge from the deep wounds inflicted by a devastating war, her sanctuary where she knelt before a loving God and prayed for the children who couldn’t understand her silent sacrifices.

Now, eighty-four-year-old Leota Reinhardt is alone, her beloved garden in ruins. All her efforts to reconcile with her adult children have been fruitless, and she voices her despair to a loving Father, her only friend.

Then God brings a wind of change through unlikely means: one, a college student with an agenda all his own who thinks he has all the answers; the other, a granddaughter Leota never hoped to know. But can the devastation wrought by keeping painful family secrets be repaired before she runs out of time?

*Excerpt from


**The Next Book Club Meeting is Tuesday, September 10th at 6:30pm